Take advantage of appreciated securities without incurring capital gains tax.
You transfer securities to the Redwood Empire Food Bank and we sell your securities, using the proceeds for important hunger-relief programs.
Please send an email to Breanne Beseda, at bbeseda@refb.org if you’re making a donation of stock, alerting her to the gift. Many stock transfers don’t include the donor’s name or contact information, so the gift shows as anonymous when it arrives.
Morgan Stanley/Redwood Empire Food Bank Account Information:
Account Number: 122-048543
Routing/DTC Number: 0015
I’m a prideful person
“I’m sorry you have to see me like this. I’m a prideful person, so this is really difficult for me. I live in my car with my 6 kids and they don’t deserve to be hungry because I’m scared of what people will think of me. But the reason why I called you over is because you and the rest of the staff make me feel so welcome. You always talk to us in such a happy tone and almost make me feel like this is something super normal. Because of the food bank, my kids are eating. And because of that, we owe you our lives. Thank you.”
—Parent of 6 whose family is living in their car (through tears) in Santa Rosa, CA